Thursday, December 2, 2010


I have a few minutes to spare before my next scheduled thing, so I thought I'd try to send out a quick blog.

I don't have anything in particular to write about, but, I find, if I just start writing something, more follows.  So, let's see.

Yesterday was a busy day.  Not bad, but full.  I was in my office before 6am because I had reports that needed to be done for meetings that day.  I wrote for several hours, then went to meetings for several more hours.  I had one break all day, and during that break I ran across the street for my 20 week checkup.  45 mins of waiting, and about 6 mins of information later - everything looks fine.  My blood pressure is still low, baby's heartbeat is strong, and I've only gained about 3 lbs, which is good.  Then, it was back to school for more meetings.

I got home in time to get Abs up from her nap and we took Kyle to school.  After we dropped him off, I asked Abby what she wanted to do and she said "Mall? Play? MALL PLAY!"  So, off we went to the mall by our house.  She played in the indoor playspace for a little over an hour before we decided to get some dinner together.

It's been several week since she and I have had our little Wednesday mommy-daughter dinner dates.  But, Abby remembered of course.  "Go get bread? And dip-dip? Dip-dip bread? And milk? Mama, pasta? And more bread and dip-dip?"  This is abby-speak for - I want to go to Bertucci's  They do that thing where they put olive oil and spices on a plate to dip the bread in and Abby looooves it.  Well, mom does too.

It was nice.  She was well behaved and happy.  Several times during dinner, she would just stand by me and give me a hug, or pat my back.  Sometimes she'll rub my back for me and say "feel nice?"  She said "thank you" to the waitress at all the right moments and excitedly exclaimed "BREAD!" or "milk!" or "Salad yummy!" for our entertainment.  At one point, I dropped a piece of lettuce and it landed on my belly (because, yes, it's at least sticking out far enough now to catch food) and Abby said "uh-oh, lettuce on baby!"

Kyle's second class was cancelled, so we drove back down to pick him up to save him from walking in the icky cold rain.  By the time we all got home - we were all exhausted.  Abby went to bed easily and Kyle and I crashed with some TV for a little while before I called it a night.

Oh, something else to note about bedtime.  Abby has started looking like such a big kid at night.  We put her in her crib, and she gets her little pillow (which is just a tiny throw pillow that her head barely fits on, I need to get her a real one), and she lays on her side or on her belly and tucks her favorite doll or animal under her arm.  It's too picturesque.  She then gives these little breathy sighs like she's relaxing and waits for us to cover her with her blanket.  She'll dreamily say "nigh-nigh, sweet dweams!" as we leave.  I dunno, it's just really really cute.  We usually hear her talking to her animals for a few minutes more before she goes to sleep.  She talks to them in this high pitched voice that she uses when she's role-playing.  We'll hear her say "nigh-nigh horsey.  Nigh-nigh duckie.  Sweet dweams.  You good? yes. Good.  High-five. Thank-you, you're welcome. Tuck-tuck baby, shhhh..." It goes on and on like that.

She's so much fun...and exhausting.  :)

Aaaand, whatdayaknow, random blog of the morning - done.

1 comment:

hannah said...

i love you laura.

and i love "uh oh lettuce on baby!"

hilarious. she's an angel.

