Thursday, January 7, 2010


I've been thinking a lot lately about how much personality Abby has developed in her first year. Specifically, I've been wondering how much of her personality is genetic and how much of it is shaped by the way Kyle and I have raised her?

In some ways, Abby is just like every other one year old - curious, energetic, likes to throw food, chew on the remote control, and carry her socks around in her mouth...other children do do that, right?

While we were in Arkansas, Abs had the chance to play with three other little ones close to her age. And it was when we were with these other children that Abby's distinctions began to come out more.

For example. When we had our play date with little Avery - who is only a week or so different in age - Avery was very calm and quiet and very much into her baby doll. Sweet little Avery carried her doll around and fed her and patted her and put her to bed - just like a good little mommy would. It made me wonder - does she like to play/care for her baby doll because she has somehow inherited that nurturing vibe or is because she sees her teachers in daycare care for babies? I think its probably both.

I wonder if I dress Abby in all pink everyday and buy her princess toys and teacups - will she grow up to be a girly-girl? Or will she still want to play in the mud regardless of her clothes?

Abby's personality is developing - and it's a little scary to think that Kyle and I have some sort of influence over part of it. Right now, she's not very "girly" She'd rather play with a box than a doll. She's very curious. When she's in new situations, she's quiet and observing. She's shy when she meets new people, which is normal. But at home, she's chatty. She's very easy going - I hope she retains that trait. Unless she's tired or hungry of course - and then she's a bear, but that much is definitely genetic. Overall though, she's very chill. And independent. She's brave and not afraid to go exploring a new room or house without a second though. She does not tread lightly. She's happy 90% of the time. One of the things Kyle and I have noticed recently is her sense of humor. Can you call it a sense of humor this young? I don't know. But Abby is a funny girl - and she is constantly doing things to make us laugh.

I know, she's probably doing them because we laugh. It's hard to tell which came first though.

For instance, when baby Avery was feeding her baby doll a bottle and patting her on the back - what was Abigail doing? She was spinning a plastic bucket on her head making silly noises.

I swear she's really very bright.

She's constantly making funny faces and just...being Abby. I guess, really, its hard to explain. But Kyle and I both have noticed that she's becoming more and more of an individual. Lately, she's started trying to sing. If I sing the notes up the scale, she'll mimic with her voice starting low and getting higher and then she'll laugh.

I just wonder if one day, 20 years from now, Abby will read this and think, "See? I've always been the curious adventure seeker funny girl I am today" or will she say "I'm the opposite now, I'm the play-it-safe keep things quiet kinda girl" Of course, then there's the question of - if I DO have any influence over her personality, what kind of personality do I want her to develop?

The important things are easy. I want her to be respectful and caring. I want her to do for others and understand the value in that. I want her to be creative and imaginative. I hope she loves to read more than she loves to sleep. I want her to be loving. I want her to be confident. I want her to love to learn.

Nature or Nurture - who knows? It doesn't really matter. All I can do is do my best to teach and guide and let her decide the rest. And no matter how she turns out - I'm pretty sure I'll think she came out perfectly. Of course she will - she's my Abby. :)

Anyway, just some thoughts and wonders floating around in my head. Back to work now.

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