Friday, August 27, 2010

potty time

Well, tonight was a first that I suppose I should document, no? :)

After her bath tonight, Abby was stalling. She didn't want to go to bed yet and she certainly didn't want to go get dressed. So, she knows that if she goes to sit on her little pink potty, that I'll let her. After a little bit, she'll get bored and stand up and I'll say , "ok, good try, let's go get a diaper on" and, without fail, she'll say "No! Potty? Potty peas?" and she'll sit back down.

It's a stalling tactic. She knows it. I know it. But, I don't really care. I figure it's good practice anyway.

Well, tonight, after several rounds of stand up, sit down - she actually used the potty. I jumped up and praised her and smiled and clapped. But - she thought she was in trouble. She stood up and said, "oh no! uh-oh!"

I looked at her and her bottom lip was quivering and she was looking at me as if she were just waiting to be yelled at for peeing on something she shouldn't have. Tears were in her eyes and I could tell she was mistaking my enthusiasm for something else. So, I panicked and grabbed an M&M (I stashed a bag of M&Ms in the bathroom just for this type of occasion a month ago - but since decided to try to do it without candy props) and offered it to her with more praise. She seemed pleased, yet confused, as to why she was suddenly getting a treat. I mean, we had just brushed our teeth and everything.

I'm pretty sure she still has no idea what happened.

But, it's a start. We all gotta start somewhere.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



jennybee said...


Also, note to self: Get M&Ms for the bathroom. :P

*Jen* said...

Go, Abby, go!!

(I think Paige's hair is looking ragamuffin, btw. Abs' looks more '70s!)

