I won't bore you with too many details about work. I had my first meetings of the year today and they went off well. I had a bit of extra time at the end of my workday and so I stopped by the thrift store to relax and browse for a few minutes. Found a little step stool for Abs, so maybe now she can just watch me cook and will stop insisting on being picked up ever .2 seconds. ....Maybe I'll start cooking again, ha.
Wednesdays are the days that Kyle has class, so I'm only home for about 45 mins before I have to have Abs packed up in the car. We pick him up and drop him off and then it's just us girls for the rest of the night.
I've blogged about this before. Wednesdays wear me out, and on one hand, I just want to go home and veg. But, on the other hand, I know that having just me and Abby time is just so special - there's so much potential in those few hours of being together to create bonds and memories. I just can't bring myself to waste them. Which is good of course.
So, tonight we headed to the mall to play in the indoor playspace. Several things happened that I want to remember. Most notably, I watched Abby make a friend. Just a short-term friend. But, I watched the process from start to finish and it melted my heart into a little puddle. This girl who was probably 2 and a half or so came into the playspace. She and Abs just so happened to be wearing very similar outfits and had similar hair - although hers was longer.
Abby watched her from a distance for a while. The little girl, who was not shy, came up and said "Hi!" Abby said, "Oh, a baby!" and pointed to the girl. She corrected Abs with, "No, I'm a big girl" Abby understood and repeated, "Oh, a big girl! Abby big girl"
She then started asking the girl to play with her - in her own way. She said "Want Slide? Share slide?" The girl understood and they two ran off and took turns sliding. Abby asked her to share the rocket with her and some other toys. The older girl "taught" Abs how to play hopscotch (jumping on the numbers) and while I watched them both haphazardly jump on numbers together and giggle, I just couldn't believe how grown up Abs seemed. Not grown up as in an adult of course - but so kid like.
They had fun and eventually some other kids joined in. Abby kept asking the others to "share?" and it was really cute. She had a blast.
Eventually, all on her own, Abs said "food?" and I asked her if she were hungry. "Yes" So I asked her what she wanted to eat. She thought about it and said, "pizza?" I didn't really expect her to give me an answer, but since she did - how could I refuse?
We went to the cheesecake factory for a small mommy-abby date. It was nice. Abs was being good and in a good mood. But, right when the food came, she started frowning and rubbing her stomach. She kept lifting her shirt and saying "uh-oh, boo-boo!" I couldn't find anything wrong with her, so I have to assume her stomach was just upset. Maybe she was hungry? There's no telling. I lightly rubbed her stomach for a bit - and that put her into a bit of a trance (she comes by that honestly). When I stopped, she quickly grabbed my hand and put it back on her stomach and said "more" We wrapped up dinner and came home.
After an episode of Mickey to wind down and another snack (she apparently found her appetite) and some very silly/overtired toddler time, we went upstairs and I put her to bed.
I know, this is all quite mundane to most. I agree. This is just a normal Wednesday that is relatively uneventful and unexciting. But, to me, it was so full of moments where my heart swelled a little bit, and I laughed, and I hugged and cuddled and kissed boo-boos, and listened and talked...and did I say laughed? It was just nice.
I have SO much to write about in my head. I want to write about Abby's emerging neat streak, the playgroup we hosted, about this new pregnancy, and about little abbyisms that keep us laughing. But, I'll spread it out. For now, I'm probably going to find my favorite blanket and give these eyes a rest.
Rest girl! You deserve it!
I love the story of Abby making a friend.
Mommy-daughter time is always sweet :)
I look forward to your blogs so much. Even mundane days are very interesting.
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