Thursday, October 28, 2010

thank you for choo-choo

We started a prayer routine with Abby when she was about a year old.  We say the same bedtime prayer each night and she's had the hang of it for a while.  Well, not the words.  She crosses herself and says "Fava, son, howy spit" Then, she clasps her hands together and we say the prayer.  A little while back, we started adding a second part.  After the prayer, we say "thank you" for the various things in her day.  "Thank you for all the fun we had finger painting, and taking a walk with mommy, and eating dinner with daddy"  etc.  Then we say amen, she crosses herself again and we're done.

Well, tonight, after we said the thank you prayer, Kyle asked "Abby? Is there anything you're thankful for?"  At first, she just parroted back, "thank you"  And we told her good job.  But, then right as we were about to get up she starts saying "Thank you for leaves, thank you for choo-choo, thank you for jiberjaber..."

I know it seems simple, but we were so impressed!  Kyle and I gave her lots of praise and kisses.

We put her down after all our hugs and kisses.  She helps pull up the dropside, she tucks in glowie, then she cuddles with her blanket and says "nigh-nigh, sweet deems"


*Jen* said...

*sweet* :)

Colleen said...

So many cute words. I particularly like "howy spit." :)

