Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Well, we fly out to Arkansas today which means this is also the last day of my internship.  :-)  Happy day all around.  

I'm not sure how often I'll get to write in AR, so if I appear to be lacking on the posting front, that's probably why.  We'll be back in a week regardless.

Anyway, we did go to the doctor yesterday for a checkup, and everything was just fine.  I actually even lost 2 pounds, so the doctor gave me the ok to eat a little more (yeah...juuuust what I needed, right? )  Poppy's heartbeat was loud and clear.  Around 160 bpm still, and much stronger than when he was the size of a strawberry or something.  

I gave blood again...or rather, they took it again, and I had the same lady from last time.  She remembered me and took it out of the back of my hand instead.  That was a first, but she was so gentle, and other than a little cold sweat, I was fine.  Repetition is the best remedy for overcoming phobias sometimes. 

**sidenote**  The lady put tape on my hand to hold on the gauze when I left.  This left me with the same sensation I got as a kid when I would wear mittens in the winter, and if I ran, the wind or something would tickle the back of my hand.  Has ANYONE experienced this?  I left the hospital and was thrown into a giggling fit because every time I moved my hand, it tickled.  Kyle thought I had completely lost it....which of course only made it funnier to me.  He reassured me that I'm the only person who is tickled on the back of their hand.  I don't believe him... **end sidenote**

They also gave us a welcome bag that I think they meant to give us before now...but it was fun.  A cute little diaper bag full of samples and magazines and books to read and information about classes and what happens when you stay there etc.  Basically, enough to keep me entertained on the plane today.

After the hospital last night we met some people from Conway, from St. Joe, who treated us to a nice seafood dinner.  Yum!  It was a lot of fun hanging out and talking with them.  Soaking up news from back home as well as their accents. :-)  It was a really fun night.  

We're looking forward to seeing everyone!  Talk to you when I do!


Anonymous said...

never have felt the tickling sensation, but i'm a pro at fainting when it comes to needle sticks. i know that cold, clamy feeling EXACTLY. have a safe trip to arkansas...we miss our laura and kyle down here!

Anonymous said...

Your Conway Arkansas family is so happy to see you and "lil poppy"! We hope you enjoy your hectic stay in the Natural State! We sure miss ya'll. Mama Shack

