Saturday, June 21, 2008

i'm back

Sorry about the week long hiatus from writing.  I don't really have an excuse, so let's recap what's been going on up here in Boston land.

Well, first, Jennifer and Ben came to visit and we did lots of fun things.  We went to the aquarium and to Salem and to the beach.  I experienced my first Afghan restaurant (which was yummy) and they spent some time gallivanting around the city exploring things.  It was good to have them.

My work week has been relatively uneventful.  My last day is next Tuesday, and we're flying home that evening.  Lots of end of the year activities going on.  I'm just trying to get all my ducks in a row so that I can finally be done with my internship.  :-)

I found out that I will be rehired next year and that I will continue to serve Brighton High School (which is what I wanted) plus 3 day programs.  The 3 programs combined have about 10 referrals a year, so I'll only need to go to them when they need me.  I'm happy I'll be getting to spend 4-5 days a week at the High School.  It's funny, I never thought I would like working with the high school kids, but I do.  

So, as mentioned, we're coming home next week for a short visit and a whirlwind of trying to see everyone we love and miss.  Kyle will be testing for his 5th degree black belt on Thursday, so everyone send us good luck wishes!  I'm sure he'll do fine, but it's always one of those nervous experiences (for me more than him, I'm sure!)

In other news, we saw Get Smart last night...and it was just what I hoped it would be.  Classic Carell making me laugh.  Nothing academy award winning probably, but a good popcorn flick.  

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