Sunday, June 8, 2008


From the time I was in middle school through high school, my favorite drink was water.  I liked water and salads and weird things like lettuce sandwiches and cucumbers with salt, and tuna straight out of the can.  Overall, I was pretty healthy...and pretty active, and I Loved water.  It was almost always my first choice.

Then something happened and I stopped craving water all the time.  I drank it of course, and still ordered it more often than not at restaurants...and I would still have a glass or two with my meal, but it wasn't the same.  I didn't love it anymore.  It was just...there.

However, in the past week, I have become a human sponge once again.  When we first found out about lil' poppy here, I read up on all sorts of stuff and started carrying a big water thermos with me everywhere I went.  That's what the website said to do.  Always stay hydrated and drink 8-10 glasses a day.   But, by the end of the day, I had rarely finished half of it.  Now, however, I can't get enough!  

I think it's a good thing, and it makes me feel good because I know it's healthier than root beer or coke.  Yesterday, I drank 36 ounces at lunch alone.  And I stopped counting for the rest of the day.  Today, it's been the same.  I'm sure some of it has to do with the heat outside, and the rest with poppy probably...but its a welcomed change.  

On a slight favorite kind of water is the kind that has been sitting in a glass full of ice long enough that the outside of the glass has collected condensation all over it and all the ice cubes in the glass are starting to get soft and look round instead of shaped.  That's sooo cold, and it's my absolute favorite way to drink it.  I've been known to make a glass of water before I start making dinner just so it'll be perfect by the time I'm done.  

Anyway, no real point to all this except to chronicle a new observation.  It's a good thing.  

1 comment:

hannah said...

i know EXACTLY what you mean about the best glass of water. i do the same thing. i make it in a glass cup, so the condensation is adequate...and i let it sit for about fifteen minutes.

i have been feeling some really weird things...possibly braxton hicks contractions. anyway...i read where they occur because of i've been carrying around bottles of water. amazing what it can do. it seems so simple...

