Thursday, May 21, 2009


I apologize for the delay in getting this post done.  But without further ado - Happy Graduation Kyle!  :)

On Monday, Kyle officially graduated from Boston College with his Masters in Education.  His specialty was in religious education, but his actual degree is an MEd (which is nice and versatile).  I have a ton of pictures for you. 

The day started early with Abby wanting to help dad get ready...  Um, it's a little big on you sweetie, but no worries, you'll have your own someday.  

A sweet kiss from Dad before he leaves for the ceremony.

Abby and I got ready, and I carried her in the Ergo over to the college.  It was nice not to have to worry with parking and cars and everything.  It was a little less exciting to walk all over campus in heels - but it was fine - the things we do for the ones we love...  Abby and I got to the stadium where they hold the main ceremony for EVERYBODY.  We found some friends to sit with and awaited the events to begin.  Oh, did I mention that it was freezing?  It was 47 degrees, and raining, and windy.  Perfect, huh?  

Here's Abs sporting her latest "hey, I thought it was spring but it feels like winter, but it doesn't matter cause I'm gonna support my daddy anyway" wear. 

Luckily, Abby stayed snuggled in the Ergo for the entirety of the ceremony.  She was comfy and warm and dry.  I only wish I could have said the same for the rest of us.  
Here's a shot of the graduates...apparently mortarboards don't count as umbrellas.

Me and Stephanie - I'm glad she brought an umbrella

After listening to an overly verbose and long speech by Ken Burns (the beginning and end were great, but he could have cut out the entire middle and I don't think anyone would have noticed), Each of the different schools within the colleges were called to stand, one school at a time, and hood themselves as a gesture of their graduation.  After the ceremony, all the schools dispurse into smaller ceremonies where you actually walk and get your diploma.

Abs and I struggled to walk across campus, up "the" hill while I clutched programs in one hand, a purse in the other, and tried to keep the baby from crying and falling out of the ergo.  Eventually, we made it to the new location and found a perch under a tree where we could watch the ceremony.  I didn't get many pictures here because Abby was awake and at em and I was juggling her and the video camera - so the still shots took a backseat.  

But, here is Kyle about to walk up to the stage to get his big 'spensive pretty piece of paper. 

Abby and I were perched so that Kyle would walk right by our tree.  As he walked by, I called his name, but he couldn't find us.  I had the baby in my lap, the video camera in one hand and I was saying "Kyle!  Kyle! Over here! We're in the tree."  In hindsight, I understand why the people around me were laughing. 

All's well that ends well.

More daddy kisses!

our little family.  Abs was pretty excited about her new chew toy

Behold, Master Shachmut ;-)

I really like the way his diploma looks.  Although, I think that the word "Bostoniensis" sounds a little bit like a disease. 

After his ceremony with the school of education, we headed over to the school of theology where all of Kyle's friends were graduating.  We hung out and enjoyed their reception of yummy things.  We also enjoyed that they were under a tent.  We hung around and said lots of hellos and congratulations, we took more pictures, gave hugs, passed around the baby, and eventually decided to leave. 

Our friends Jon & Stephanie joined us after for a nice late lunch at one of our favorite low-key pizza places.  It was nice to unwind and relax (in the warmth) before heading home.

It was a full day.  We didn't get home until after 5pm and we were all pretty tired

But, tired or not - We are SUPER proud of our Kyle.  He has put in a lot of work over the past 2 years to achieve his degree.  He has learned a lot and has narrowed down the kind of work he would like to do.  What's next you ask?

Next year, Kyle is attending a program at Boston University, just down the road.   It's a 2 year program that will give him a specialist degree in media and instructional design.  From there?  We'll see where the wind blows us.  

Congratulations Kyle, we love you very much!


Anonymous said...

Laura, your chronicle of the day's events really helped this Mom feel like she was there! My heart certainly was. Kyle has ALWAYS made us very proud and this occasion was no exception. Thank you for being our eyes and ears on this momentous (even if cold) day! We love you 3.........Ouma

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there, but I fully honor Kyle in my heart for his achievement.


