Thursday, May 7, 2009

list #507

1. I'm happy for Kris Allen making it to the top 3 on Idol.  I'll admit it - I thought his chances were slim last night, but that just made me all the happier. 

2.  I had a performance eval at work today.  It went well.  The teachers I work with all told my boss how much they liked me.  It was nice to hear.  I told them I'd leave their checks in their mailboxes...

3.  Our nanny has to move in June - so I'm not sure exactly what to do about that, but I think Abby is gong to be coming to work with me more.

4.  Kyle has been awarded a scholarship on the national level from the federation of the blind.  He has to spend a week in Detroit where he will have a busy schedule of events.  All finalist get a scholarship, but they only decide who gets what during that week.  Proud of him. 

5.  I like counseling when I have time to do it.  I don't, currently, have the time to do it.  And that makes me dread it sometimes.  I just need more time in the day.  It's that simple. 

6.  I think I'll cut my hair this weekend.  I understand that I'll want it back as soon as I cut it.  I'm fine with that. 

7.  I've now gone about 15 days with no sugar or fried foods - or even soda.  Last night, Kyle really wanted brownies - bad.  And I told him that he could have them, but I wasn't going to make them or eat them.  I didn't even want them, which is way weird.  I even made a big cake for a potluck last week and didn't have any...not even licking the spoon.  I'm giving myself a pat-pat for that. 

8.  Abby is so funny.  She makes funny noises and funny faces.  Her newest thing is to suck in all the air in the room, hold it in, and then giggle.  Funny, funny, girl. 

9.  I have spring fever and I want school to be over now.  Although, I'd settle for just skipping the rest of May (work wise)

10.  Kyle's birthday is coming up, I need to think about that. 

11. Yesterday I passed a funeral procession - or rather, the procession passed me.  Cars and cars with their headlights on and a "funeral" sign in their window...then, about 8 cars in there was a big party supply truck and I wondered if he was part of the procession or if he got stuck in the line of cars.  Then there were two bull dozers and I wondered the same thing.  They all had their headlights on though, so I couldn't help but think maybe they were just spur-of -the moment funeral planners.  

12. I'm happy today is Thursday because we have a good TV lineup tonight...and I get to go to kickboxing, which a way.  It's good.  It's good for me. 

13. I want to clean the apartment.  It's ok right now, but I want to really clean it - scrub floors, organize closets, the whole bit.  Maybe this weekend.  Maybe. 

All right, I'm out for now - more work awaits and my lunch break is sadly over. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a lot of stuff - especially the good evaluation. I'm proud of Kyle, too.



