Tuesday, July 14, 2009

2 years

Yesterday was our two year anniversary!

Sometimes, it seems like we were just married yesterday.  But I think most of the time, it seems like its been much longer.  Not in a bad way - in a very good way.  

We didn't do much yesterday.  We did go out for a special anniversary breakfast which was nice.  Then, Kyle had to go to work (for the first time in about 3 weeks!) and I stayed home with Abs and did a lot of nothing.  We had fajitas for dinner and watched a bunch of HGTV.  A very normal day for us.  We're planning to "celebrate" the occasion while we're in Australia - we're hoping to take some sort of dinner cruise or something of the sort.  So both of us were fine saving our funds for that occasion....which should be  lot of fun.

I thought I would share some of the things I like about being married to Kyle. 

1.  I love exploring new places and traveling.  I don't think I would ever have traveled as much as we have without him.  I love how he is so comfortable in a new city and his navigation skills are pretty good for a guy with not a lot of vision.  I love that no trip seems unattainable.

2.  I love our little traditions.  Everything from watching the big Apple presentations together, to putting a red sox cap on top of our christmas tree.  Even past traditions like sunday burritos and friday night brownies that no longer exist still carry happy memories.

3.  I love love love just being in the city with Kyle.  I love walking through downtown - now with him pushing the stroller - and window shopping or grabbing lunch or going to the farmers market.  I love walking with him.

4.  I love that he tucks me in every night.  Kyle's a night owl and I'm a morning bird - so I nearly always go to sleep hours before he does - but he always tucks me in. 

5.  Of course, I love watching him with Abigail.  He's so so so good with her and she just adores him.  What could make me happier?

6. I love that we do taekwondo together.  Albeit, not as often as we would like - but I love that we share that part of our lives. 

7.  I love that he is so smart...and responsible.  

8.  I love that I know he doesn't like to chop veggies and he knows I don't like to open cans of biscuits.  I know he doesn't like putting things in the oven and he knows I hate filling the ice trays.  Its the little things that make up our days - but little things count a lot.

9.  I love that he helps me be healthy and values a healthy lifestyle (with occasional ice cream trips)

10.  I love that when I imagine my future - I often wonder about kids and careers and location - but I never wonder about him.  He's always there and always will be.  

Being married to Kyle makes me feel very lucky to have the blessed life that we have.  I can't wait to see where life takes us!

Happy Anniversary babe, Love you.


Heather said...

Sweet. :)

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

So well said. You and Kyle are blessed to have each other!


Jessica said...

Happy Anniversary!

