Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Vacation made staying on my exercise and diet routines a little difficult.  I did pretty well 3/4 of the time - but that last 1/4...I fell off the wagon. 

No, I jumped off the wagon, or maybe I drove the wagon off a cliff.  I dunno.  At any rate, I obviously didn't lose anything while I was there.  

So, now I'm home and I'm back in the game.  

One thing I've realized about myself is that I don't do well with long term goals - at least not in this arena.  More often, I need to take things one day at a time, or one meal at a time...  So, my new "long term" goal is only a month from now - and I'm hoping to drop 5 lbs in 4 weeks.  I'm optimistic.  This means that by next Tuesday, I hope to have lost 1 lbs (maybe 1.5 if I cross my fingers just right)

I'm still running (or should I say, I'm running again) and I think that will be really help me along.  I'm putting forth a renewed effort to plan my meals and to keep things healthy.  The past few days have gone well, so hopefully tomorrow will too. 

just a post for accountability's sake.  I'll keep ya posted. 


Anonymous said...

I am confident that you will make it. You do too much right, not to eventually get the result you want. Short term goals make sense to me. Keep on keeping on.


Wordweaver said...

The "one meal at a time" approach is where I am right now. Helping keep me accountable is my blog--and all the help your friends are giving me! Don't lose sleep about "falling off the wagon." Just get up and start again.

