Saturday, October 3, 2009

nothing to write about

I don't really feel like blogging right now...but I don't really have any reason not to either. I tried saying that I didn't have anything interesting to talk about, but, hey, that's never stopped me before.

It rained today. All day. It was nice when I woke up and it was raining, but then it started getting old. The house was cold today too. I was surprised to find out that it was in the mid 60s outside today - I guess I should have opened a window? I dunno, it was all backwards.

I had planned to go grocery shopping and to run by a favorite thrift store to go goody hunting. I was going to throw in a trip to walgreens and maybe another errand or two. Long story short - none of that happened. It was raining and the streets were overcrowded with cars and there were no parking spots anywhere - and people were being extra mean about parking because of the rain. Abby was alternating between crying and screaming at me with brief shots of silence between...but mostly screaming. I was still cold. So, after an hour of driving around town just trying to find somewhere to park - I decided I couldn't do it.

I'm usually pretty good about doing that kind of thing when I don't want to. But not today. Just the thought of getting home with Abby and groceries and juggling both in the rain, upstairs and being cold and wet - stressed me out. So I just turned around and came home. Wasted a bunch of time, energy, and sanity for nothing.

I got home and handed Abs over to Kyle (who was home for an hour before he had to leave again) Kyle could tell I was frustrated and tried to help...but you know how it is when you're disappointed in yourself - you want to do something about it. I wanted to do something productive. So, I made him let me put Abby down for a nap. She didn't cry, but she didn't sleep. She stayed in her crib and played for an hour.

Kyle got her up from her fake nap and brought her down and told me he had to leave but that he wanted me and Abby to talk about things first so we could reconcile our differences. He's silly. But, she was so happy to be downstairs with us that it only took me about 2 mins before I was crawling around on my stomach chasing her through the house while she screamed and squealed and tried to get away from me. Much tickling ensued.

Anyway. Kyle had to leave. He's still gone -he's had a very busy day doing things and meeting people all over the city. I feel bad that its so wet outside. Abs is asleep now and all is quiet. Just me. I'm not sure what to do with, here I am.

Gee, what a pointless post. I'll do better tomorrow, ok?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound so melancholy which makes me want to come over and give you a big Ozzie hug.

