Wednesday, April 21, 2010

this is life

So, as previously mentioned, the weather has been fantastic this week. So this afternoon, after Abby's nap and some lunch and some cleaning, we decided to set up camp outside for the rest of the afternoon. It was great.

We spent about an hour on the deck playing with various things. We played with play-doh, and bubbles (although the bubbles are apparently messed up because they mostly just sputtered soap everywhere with very few bubbles...I dunno, the fluid looks murky too.) Abby played with her new baby doll and new book for a long time, and enjoyed stacking things as well.

For a while, Abby insisted on lining up all the strawberries into a row before picking them off, one by one. She was very deliberate and very vocal about the whole process. It often sounds like she's counting things, but using nonsense words. She has the vocal inflections of counting down though.

Sharing her strawberries with the baby

Abby likes stacking her blocks only second to how much she likes knocking them down. This morning, we stopped at McDonald's for a snack and she got this pink pony toy. She kept using it as a tower topper and was quite pleased with herself.



..aaaaand down they go.

When she tired of building and destroying, she took reading breaks. Also, that quilt was made for Abby by a lady from my parent's church and served as the perfect outdoor blanket today. So, thanks to the lady who made it for us (sorry, forgot her name)

Well, after exploring all there is to explore on the deck (we also spent a long time testing out the sounds various objects made when banged against the drain pipe), Abby and I took a little walk around the neighborhood.

It really was the perfect afternoon for it. The weather was just right - not hot or cold. The air was warm and breezy, and the wind made for a very peaceful rustling in all the newly leaved trees. There were enough clouds to make sure we didn't get too much direct sun, but not enough to block the light. Everything was fresh and colorful looking. We could hear birds chirping, but that was about it. Things were nicely quiet. Soon after we started on our walk, somebody started playing some classical pieces on a clarinet and that sound followed us on our walk. It was really nice. I'm glad the clarinet player was talented, otherwise, it could have put a different spin on things.

Anyway. Off we went. No stroller, no diaper bag, no sippy - just us. It didn't take too long for Abs to get the hang of staying on the sidewalk. Every time we came to a large crack in the sidewalk, she would stop in front of it, look at it, and then take a big exaggerated step over it. We forget how big things are when you're small.

I really think Abby thought the fire hydrant was another toddler. She stopped and had a full conversation with it before continuing on.

We didn't walk too far really. Probably half a dozen houses down from our place. Half way back, Abby stopped and asked to be picked up. It wasn't far to me - but of course, she's taking 3 steps to my one. So, I carried her back to the house and we played in the back yard a little bit.

checking out the moss and critters on the steps

Eventually, it was time for dinner and I got Abby to climb the steps back up to the deck on her own - you can just see how happy she is to be doing it on her own. I did not take a picture of how upset she was about 30 seconds later when I opened the door to go inside...

The whole time we were outside today, I enjoyed watching Abby just be a kid. It made me so happy to see her find wonder in the smallest things. She was curious about everything and so pleased with her discoveries of twigs and dandelions. Sometimes I think the best part about having a kid is how is allows you to see the world through their eyes again. Everything is just so interesting in the eyes of a toddler.

Several times while we were playing on the deck, I just sat back and tried to take in the moment. Watching my daughter (can you believe I have a daughter?) play contently with her toys on a spring afternoon. I thought to myself "wow, this is life" This was one of those moments that I dreamed about when I was 11 and wondering what it would be like to be a mom one day. It was picture perfect and I'm glad I got to have this day. :)


Cari said...

What a sweet post Laura!! She is such a big girl. I love it.

Brandy@YDK said...

i love that quilt. and you always capture the best pics

Anonymous said...

Laura, like I told you in the email, I'm LOVING your week off school. So many pics capturing the precious mommy/daughter time. Enjoy every minute. They leave home in the blink of an eye! Love you 3.....Ouma

