Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Capture - Yellow

It's You Capture time again! This week, our theme is......

ok, so I couldn't find the L's - use your imagination. :o)

Ok, so honestly, yellow is not my favorite color. It looks awful on me. So my first thought when I read this week's theme was, "yellow? meh." The only thing that came to mind was something like this:

mmmm. lemon.

But then I started to look around and I noticed little bits of yellow here and there.

It started out small

and then I found some more things...

and a few more things...

and then a whole lotta things!
(can you see the teeth marks on those letters- they make great teething toys apparently)

But I thought that was a little too much, so I went back to simple.

But wait, there's more!

Earlier in the week, I took my little family to the Children's Museum. And wouldn't you imagine my surprise when I walked into this exhibit!

Perfect, no? :)

This is a grate over one of the museum windows

and of course, I have to add a picture of the munchkin...cause, y'know,
I'm a mom.

Turns out, I actually had a lot of fun with this week's theme. I hope everyone else did as well! Go see what everyone else caught on their cameras this week by visiting I Should Be Folding Laundry. Thanks!


Brandy@YDK said...

you take the best pictures. ever.

Bobbi Sharp said...

very cute

Jess said...

I love the shot of the duck all by it's lonesome. Your white background worked very well for these.

melissa said...

great photos; and how cool about the children's museum's theme!

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

You obviously had fun! We just went to the DuPage Children's Museum in Chicago last weekend. Childrens Museums ROCK!

Sabrina said...

GREAT!!! My faves: The yellow overload with all of the crazy yellow things, but monochromatic so it works. Then the long ducky. Perfect.

Sabrina said...

Oh and Kathleen: we had my son's bday party at the Dupage Children's Museum last weekend too! SMALL WORLD!

Amber D said...

What fun pictures I really like the progression.

PS thanks for the comment on my blog (Orange Shoes) I did have fun and got some funny looks too!

Bec said...

Can't pick a favorite! They are all just too cool.

nic said...

so apparently you were meant to do yellow this week! love that exhibit. :)

your photographs are drool-worthy, my very favorite being those chunky yellow blocks. oh, yum.

Alice said...

your collection looks like one of those I Spy pages :) and i really like the idea of the museum yellow exhibit. pretty neat!

come on over and visit my page, if you get a chance :). my yellow shots are posted now also.

Brooke said...

I love all your YELLOW!!! Great job - they made me smile and I just love when that happens :D

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures.

Unknown said...

I can't believe there was a Yellow display at the museum. How lucky is that!

Unknown said...

fantastic yellow shots! what a great poster -- like the universe conspiring to make you a yellow fan.

Anonymous said...

Ilove these!

shellycoulter said...

Fun pictures. The single duck is simple & fresh & would be fun in a kids bathroom!

Stillmary said...

You rocked yellow! I love the fun increasing yellows and the museum shots. You even made the lemon artful and fun. Very nice!

Colleen said...

I really love what you did with all of the yellow items on the white background. Great shots!

- said...

This is the first time I'm visiting your beautirful blog. I've joined the You Capture by accident :) and love it already.

Oh no you made yellow look so nice. Yellow is not my favorite color too, but you made it work. Great job.

Heather said...

Is the white background in your kitchen?! I'm amazed by how clean it is! LOL

Laura said...

Thanks everyone!

Heather - no way is that my kitchen, lol. It's that CL bookshelf I got against the wall by our room.

*Jen* said...

Laura, I am not great with Photoshop and also don't enjoy it, so I use for the watermark. I add text, choose a font (I use the same one every time for continuity), and then save the photo in a reduced size back to my desktop to upload to blogger.

Karrie said...

You did a great job capturing yellow!! Well done! Love the way you organized the pics to tell a story too!

