Friday, May 22, 2009


Today I am not at the high school.  I picked up a few other cases for some co-workers that were overburdened with referrals.  It's nice- it helps them out and it gives me a chance to practice my elementary school skills.  

The first kid I saw today was a 5th grader.  A 5th grader with many, many issues.  Issues deeper than I think I can get a grasp on in our measly 2 hours together.  I think I need to brush up on some childhood disorders that may be in play.  Either way, It was good for me to remember how different little kids are than the high schoolers.  I mean, the high schoolers have problems too - but for the most part, they know it.  Or they can articulate it.  When you're young - you don't always have the skills or the ability to express what you feel.  So then you have all of these behavior issues and other things that are really just the poor kid trying to understand himself.  I heart projective testing, by the way.

The second kid I'm going to see today is a 3.5 year old.  I called the mother for an interview yesterday and she talked for 15 mins straight about all of the disorders, medications, developmental delays, and trials that this kid has already been through.  Can you imagine?  We take our fussy babies and out tantruming toddlers for granted sometimes.  This little girl has been in therapy since she was born....and may never live without it.  

Anyway.  Since I finished my first appointment early, I found a park next to the school and enjoyed a rare, but nice, lunch outside in the park.  It's beautiful here today.  Blue skies, warm air, slight breeze.  It's so rejuvenating to be outside on a day like today.  Add to that the fact that I could pick up a wifi signal - and everything is perfect. 

So I've ben sitting outside for the past 45 mins, working, checking my mail, researching childhood disorders, upadating facebook of course, and now blogging.  All from outside.  

(insert content sigh)

In other news: today is Kyle's birthday! Yay!  Remember that wicked hard scavanger hunt he sent me on for Mother's Day?  Yeah, well today it's his turn.  Of course, he'll probably like least I kinda hope he does.  

I made Kyle a big breakfast of everything-eggs and sweet italian sausages.  No big plans for tonight, but maybe we'll go out to dinner.  

I'll update later.  For now - gotta go meet this little girl. 


hannah said...

i love you laura.

and i'm so glad that you're in the field. and i'm jealous. i wish i were there.

Anonymous said...

You are so dear to me!


