warning: pretty pointless post ahead.
Then there were the verbal things. Crayon and Crown. I said them both like the latter. Then there was the day that my 2nd grade teacher spent a good 10 mins with me in front of the whole class trying to teach me that "whale" was pronounced differently than "well" I said them the same....blame the southern accent.
Spelling has never been a strong suit. I took the same spelling test 4 times in 3rd grade when I kept spelling "indian" "indien" Phonetics. Ugh. I also had a hard time figuring out if words should end in "le" or "el" Maybe I was supposed to be French. To this day, there are things I always misspell and second guess. I'm hoping that by flushing them out, I'll finally overcome these silly words. Here they are.
1. Minute. As in 60 seconds. I always read that word as minute, as in very small and I often misspell it as Minuet if I don't think about it. Most of the time, you'll notice, I just substitute the abbreviation, "min."
2. Definitely. I always misspell this as Definatly. Then I realize its wrong and change it, but I rarely get it right the first time. I also tend to read it as "defiantly" Go figure.
3. Each Other. I always alway always want to type this as one word. They hugged eachother. It just seems so much more natural.
4. Mathematics. Why is there an e there? I guess you're supposed to pronounce it. :) I don't though, and so I have to think about it.
5. Calendar. I always try to write "calender" Again, because that's how I spell it.
Ok, I think that's enough self flogging for now.
I don't know why these words refuse to melt into my permanent knowledge base - but they just don't. I bet most people have a few words that trip them up. Right? Sure they do. Well, except my sister. I'm pretty sure she's perfect.
Everyone I know makes fun of me because I can't add things to the number eight in my head. I mean, at ALL. I have to count it out every time. I do not know why, it's such a weird brain block, but it has always been there and it is not going anywhere.
lol, no. I have plenty of words I get wrong every time, too.
Embarrass is one. I'm not sure that's right, right now. I always have to look it up. Necessary, too. There are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
And I have a habit of mixing up F's and 5's. Don't ask me why. It's especially hard on words like fifty because I'll type it 5i5ty.
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