Sunday, November 29, 2009


Blogging comes in phases, and I suppose when I have a vacation - I tend to spend my days doing other things like...well, I dunno, but I'm sure I've been doing something over the last several days.

Thanksgiving was nice. I, of course, watched the Macy's parade like I do every year and teared up about 100 different times between nostalgia and hallmark/folgers/whatever else commercials. I spent the morning making the yummy "Shachmut Salad" for that evening's meal. We were lucky enough to be adopted by some co-workers of mine. We drove down to Margaret's lovely home where we enjoyed the afternoon and evening with her and her husband and her daughter, Jenn and her mom, Pam and her 3 year old daughter Grace, and another teacher - Jeanine and her husband.

For the first time in a looong time, Abby didn't take her afternoon nap. We had to leave before she had a chance to fall asleep, so we were hoping she'd fall asleep in the car. But there was NO traffic and we got there pretty quick. We were the first ones there, so we let Abs explore for a while. Margaret had bought her a cool singing/dancing caterpillar toy that she really enjoyed (they spoil her up here too!). So after we got settled, we set up Abs' pack-n-play and put her to nap. Oh was she ever mad. She was spittin' mad. Luckily, Margaret's house is large enough that the chatter and activity drowned out most of Abby's screaming. About 20 mins later her screams of pure rage turned to cries of depression, and about 10 mins later she was asleep.

It worked out well, actually, since Kyle and I were able to enjoy dinner while Abby slept. Everything was delicious of course. Abs woke up towards the end of the meal and I brought her down. She had a few mashed potatoes and some dressing - but she really loved the sweet potato could she not? It's like pure sugar.

After dinner, Abs spent the next few hours chasing the 3-year old Grace around the house. Grace made about 10 laps for every one of Abby's but they seemed to enjoy each other. Kyle and I enjoyed talking with everyone and the lovely company. We stayed for dessert and to chat a little longer, but soon we decided we had to get Abby back to bed.

I have a lot to be thankful for - but I was especially thankful for the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with such lovely people when our family is so far away...and for the chance to give Abby a "real" Thanksgiving day.

Abby & Margaret

Margaret & Jenn

exploring Abby

after dinner daddy time

isn't it a lovely table?

The Brighton High gang

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