Thursday, November 19, 2009

You Capture - Sunrise/Sunset

This week's capture was sunrise/sunset. Did anyone else think Tevye right off the bat? No? ...ok.

So - sunrise/sunset - I don't get to see too many of these since the sun is usually up by the time I leave for work and the sun starts setting at like 3:30 when I'm running errands or baby wranglin'

So earlier this week the hubby, sister in law, and I took Abs down to the park. Our park-able weather days are numbered, so we're trying to take advantage of the ones we've got left. I actually thought before I left "I wonder if I should bring my camera?" And then I answered myself with "Nah, it's gonna be dark soon and we won't be gone long, I won't miss anything"


Then there was the most gorgeous sunset! *faceplant* And as if that weren't enough, then this fog starts rolling in and it just looked so cool. "won't miss anything" hmph.

So, here's what I've got to offer this week - grainy pics taken from my 1st generation iphone - I mean, that's like, what, a whole 2 megapixels? Anyway. Maybe you can squint and imagine how pretty it would've been in real life. It really was pretty. Today's my birthday (woot) so, I'm gonna just say that I get a pass, lol.

can you see the fog?

to see the other captures this week, just head over here.


Saj said...

iPhone or not, these are gorgeous! What great colors!

Sweetie McGee said...

I agree with Saj - wonderful colors! No pass needed. :) Happy Birthday!

Erin said...

I actually tried to work out a post with the lyrics from Sunrise/Sunset, but since it's more of a conversational song, it just didn't work. But yes, that was my first thought!
Love these captures.

Unknown said...

Grainy or not... still beautiful. Your iPhone captured beautiful color and your eye captured great composition. See? It's not the camera that takes the picture, right?

Carolyn Ford said...'s still beautiful! The bare trees are stunning silhouettes!

Colleen said...

I've been singing "Sunrise sunset" all week, except I don't know all the words so it was kind of annoying!
Beautiful pics despite the lack of megapixels. The sky looks like it's on fire.

Stillmary said...

Grainy or not, the colors are gorgeous. And Happy Birthday!

Kathleen said...

You know what? I think the little bit of blur that comes from an iPhone really adds to these pictures! Gives kind of a surreal feeling! I really like them, especially seeing the fog roll in!

Isn't it always like, though--you don't have the camera when you really, really need it?

Alana Jo said...

Happy Birthday, and great shots!

-Alana Jo

Tricia said...

Lovely shots! Thanks for sharing.


Unknown said...

I actually love the grain. Sometimes I hate it but in these it feels right. VERY amazing pictures. I always love your perspective!

Jo said...

I'm no artist, but I think the grainy look is gorgeous. Great composition too.
(By the way, I too thought the Tevya thing!)

Anonymous said...

Still gorgeous- I just love the colors!

