Friday, June 19, 2009


We put Abby to bed late last night - which is fine, we had good reason, but it usually means she doesn't sleep well. She is such a schedule-loving child.

So, as expected, she woke up a few times. 10:30, 4:15, and 4:50. I went in each time to put her paci back and let her cry a bit until she fell asleep again.

When I went in at 4:50, however, as soon as the little stinker saw me, she picked up her paci, put it in her mouth, turned her head to the side and closed her eyes.


I suppressed my laughter and of course as soon as I left the room she started whimpering again.

But, other than being awake from 4-6 this morning, it was a pretty funny moment - and I just wanted to remember it.

Babies are smarter than we give them credit for.


Bobbi Sharp said...

Smart little girl!

Anonymous said...

You bet. You sure kept me amazed.


Kaylee said...

I love the picture you have on your blog! Her eyes are sooo blue! What a beautiful gal you have there!

financecupcake said...

HAHAHA!!! Too cute!

