Wednesday, April 6, 2011

change of tune.

Last week, with the contractions and the uncomfortable-ness and the everything else, I would have bet money that this baby was going to come early.

Today?  I may be pregnant forever.  Today, I'm not feeling an early baby anymore.  I'm feeling a late baby.

And, really, that's fine with me, because unlike with Abs - I'm in no rush.

With Abby, I had nothing else to do other than spend all my time expecting her arrival.  She was 4 days late, and I was just so ready.  I was physically ready to not be pregnant at that point of course, but more so, I just wanted to meet her and get on with learning how to be a mom.  But, this time I have Abby around too.  So, each day that this new baby decides to stay on the inside is one more day I get to spend with just Abby.  These days are numbered, for sure.  So, I'm trying to really appreciate them and focus on them and absorb these moments, as they will be the last moments of her life where she is the only child.

And I don't mean any of that in a bad way.  I just mean to say that if this baby wants to come a week late - then that's fine with me.  I have plenty to do between now and then.  And, of course, if this baby decides to come early after all - I will be so excited to meet him or her.

I had my 38 week appointments today.  No progress towards labor, but the doc confirmed that baby is turned the right way and all that jazz.  I'm retaining more water in my legs this week.  That's to be somewhat expected, I suppose.  After I was done with that doc, I went in for my weekly non-stress test.  During the non-stress test, they are just watching the baby's heartbeat and making sure that the baby is responding to it's environment.  At least, that's my understanding.

my print out. 
 The top line is baby's heart rate, the bottom line are contractions and stuff.

So, last week, baby's heart rate fluctuated between 140 and 160, give or take, and responded appropriately to contractions and such.  Well, this week, the kid was pretty much just stuck between 165-170 the whole time (as you can see in that picture - top line is pretty flat).  SO, because they weren't getting any (or enough) fluctuation, I got to go in for another ultrasound so they could check everything "just to be safe"

So, the ultrasound lady checked for breathing, moving, and fluid levels.  Everything looked fine.  They called my doc and let her know and she was satisfied too, so home I went.  We'll do another NST next week.

The doc, the nurse, the tech, 2 other nurses, and the ultrasound doc all commented on how very active this baby is.  Baby likes to move, no doubt about that. I'd be ok if that trait didn't transfer outside the womb...but, I'm not gonna hold my breath about that.

The best part of today was that I got to see baby during the ultrasound.  It's too big to get a picture of now, but I did get to watch it swallow fluid and make sucking motions.  Then, it took it's first two fingers and started sucking on it's fingers.  It was really really cute.  I wonder if s/he'll be a finger sucker on the outside.  Abby never was.  Anyway, it was kinda cool to see that, and it made the "hassle" of having to get the extra u/s done worth it.

So, that was the gist of today.  Everything's fine.  I'm still pregnant, and probably will be for a while. ;)


Anonymous said...

So glad everythings fine. We will meet baby soon enough.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

was sooo glad to hear that everything was fine:)

And those can be famous last words- I said two days before Katie was born that I could carry that baby for another month. doh.

...but I also know what you mean about enjoying your last days with just you and Abs.

