Thursday, April 14, 2011

pointless post #39

This week is my limbo week, specifically, the last 2-3 days.  Meaning - I don't have to be at work, and I don't have to be home because our nanny works through Friday.  Read: I have time to get things done and to run errands without needing to bring Abs along.

This is great.  And, I've been very productive, actually.  It's not easy running errands all over town when you're 39 weeks pregnant, but it's a LOT easier than running them with a toddler to boot.

Tuesday, I ran errands, wrapped up everything at work, came home and cleaned the house (I mean, seriously, I cleaned everything AND baked 40 mini muffins) in time to host playgroup.  Playgroup was over, I picked up Kyle from work, cooked dinner, bathed the child and put her to bed, watched a little tv and crashed.

Wednesday, I spent the day at the doctor's offices getting my weekly non-stress test and doc visit out of the way.  Everything was fine, baby is comfy, my body will still be pregnant forever.  Came home, played with Abs, got Kyle, cooked dinner, Abs in bed, cleaned house, a little tv, went to bed.

Today, I ran more errands.  I made it to 7 different stores before it was time for me to be home.  Got Kyle from work and dropped him off at home so he could have some quiet time to work on school stuff.  I took Abs and ran some more grocery errands, then took her to the mall to play.  Brought her home, cooked her dinner, did the bedtime routine and put her down.  Now, I'm sitting, finally.

When I type it all out - it doesn't sound like much.  And really, I don't mind running errands, grocery shopping and such.  I even got to do some fun shopping in there too.  And, I certainly don't mind spending time with Abs.  I'm happy I got to take her to the mall to play, I'm happy she likes going to the grocery store with me.  And, I enjoy reading to her at night, so I shouldn't complain about the bedtime routine and stuff at all.  It's just - I'm slow and never really comfortable and I feel like I've been on my feet for 3 days straight, y'know?  I guess, it wears on you.

This afternoon, I was carrying 2 bags full of groceries and a diaper bag on one shoulder, I had 3 shopping bags on the other shoulder, I was carrying Abby while holding my keys in one hand and a thermos in the other hand climbing up with that load up the back stairs to our house and thinking to myself "I'm 39 weeks pregnant - who ever said you shouldn't do heavy lifting while preggo obviously 1) didn't have another kid around or 2) had maids follow them everywhere to help them with their every task"

I don't even know why I'm writing about this.  I guess I'm tired and this is what's coming out.  I've stopped writing this post 3 different times and decided to delete everything, and then didn't.  I probably should though.  This is not interesting reading.

I'll do better tomorrow.


Crabby Apple Seed: said...

we moved when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Grace. Stephen had shoulder surgery two weeks before that, so guess who did most of the heavy lifting? She was born two days late.

I relaxed as much as anyone with a two year old for the last few weeks of being pregnant with Katie. Did not, for example, pack up all of my possessions and take them to another house. She was ten days early.

I'm not really sure why they tell you not to lift anything heavy when you're pregnant.

hannah said...

i'm tired from that last part. about walking with all that stuff.

seriously. i'm also jealous that you have someone who will watch abs so that you can semi run errands.

i think my bad mood has rubbed off on my child. awesome. someone crown me mother of the year over here.

Linda said...

Take it easier. Don't start labor bone tired.


