Friday, April 29, 2011

part 3

The next two days were spent in my recovery room.  There was somebody in the room approximately every 7.5 seconds.  I've never had my blood pressure taken so often.  The various nurses were all helpful and kind, the doctors were nice, the staff and all the other people who needed to see us about something or another were fine - it was just a revolving door.  C'est la vie.

My OB doctor came to visit us.  We found out that she was due to be on call 2 hours after Elizabeth was born.  It would have been awesome had she been able to deliver both my girls, but I didn't have two hours to wait.  She's a really great doctor and it was kind of her to stop by.

As we got settled, Kyle went home to get Abby.  He was very much looking forward to introducing her to Elizabeth.  Kyle took the train home and got Abs ready and brought her back.  It was raining and pretty gross outside, and the train trip to the hospital is not the most convenient and due to some weird circumstances, poor Kyle ended up taking 3 different trains and a bus, and then walking up the road and climbing the big hill to this hospital - with Abs - in the rain.  Such a trooper.

Abby was a bit weary at first.  She didn't know what to make of me in the bed - but I reassured her I was ok and she was soon making short work of exploring the room.  We showed her Elizabeth and she paused, looked at her and told us "her brain is inside her head.  smart girl"  Then she ran off to explore the room some more.  Once she was acclimated, we told her she could hold baby Elizabeth.

 first time holding her

this look is perfect, no? :)


thanks to Kyle for insisting I take a picture with the girls.

Kyle was so great, he even packed Abby a picnic dinner.  We all ate in my room together and then they headed home.

On Tuesday, Kyra flew into town.  Kyle brought Abs back to the hospital and we met Kyra there when she got in.  We all just hung out a little bit - took some more pictures and such.  Then, we had this moment.  A moment that was so classically stressful that we were all laughing at it.

Kyle was packing things up to get ready to leave with Kyra and Abby.  Elizabeth was just waking up and was hungry.  Abby was walking on the second bed in the room.  Abby fell - on the bed - and we instantly knew something was wrong.  She was crying - a real cry - and holding her wrist saying "it hurts!"  She went from scared to inconsolable.  She wouldn't use her hand at all.  As she was crying, Elizabeth wanted to remind us that she was 1) hungry and 2) really hungry!  So, she was screaming.

Because I still possess magic mom powers - Abby wanted me to hold her.  Kyra grabbed Elizabeth in an attempt to bounce her a bit and Kyle gave me Abby.  Abby laid on my chest and fell asleep instantly.  Did I mention she hadn't had a nap that day?  I held her, rubbed her back, and tried to see if her wrist was swelling.  Abby woke up a minute or two later and I tried to give her my iphone to play with - she wouldn't hold it - so we knew something was really wrong.  She started crying again.  Elizabeth was still screaming.

Kyle, in an attempt to keep them from feeding off each other, took Elizabeth into the hallway to walk her up and down the hallway. Kyra went to get Abby an ice pack.  They were both gone for a while.  I soon found out that while Kyle was walking Elizabeth - he got too close to the front doors and set off the baby alarm.  Ha.  He had nurses yelling at him that he couldn't have the baby in the hall unless she was in her crib and to step away from the door.  Luckily, some of the nurses knew him by now and just told him to go back to my room.

So.  There we are.  Two kids who need our immediate attention.  Both screaming.  Kyle's sweating.  And we decide to set off the baby alarms like a sweet cherry on top.  Kyle came back into the room, he's holding Elizabeth - I'm holding Abby.  We just stop and look at each other and start laughing!  Welcome to parenting 202.  It was really, pretty funny.

As a follow up- Abby is ok. She continued to refuse to use her arm all night and poor Kyle had the task of trying to soothe her to sleep despite her pleas for  "daddy, pwease kiss my hand, make it better?"  He took her to the pediatrician the next morning and Abby got her first set of x-rays!  Kyle said that she was a super champ about it (probably because she was scared)  But she sat still and got lots of stickers and a new book out of the deal.  Her wrist wasn't broken, so they wrapped it and told us  to use ice and pain meds.   She favored the arm most of the day, but by that evening when we were all home she announced "My arm is all better now!"  And it's been fine since.

Anyway.  That was quite the tangent, I know.

On Wednesday afternoon, I went home.  I feel pretty good - recovery wise, I'm much better off than I was after I had Abby.  My back is what hurts the most.  I imagine it is a combination of my body realigning, shifting, and using muscles in a new way that perhaps haven't been used in a while.  As long as I take my pain meds and don't spend too long lifting or in one position, it's fine.

Nursing is going ok.  Elizabeth is nursing like a champ.  I spent 3 straight hours yesterday afternoon feeding the little monster.  Unfortunately, it is much harder on me.  I'll probably seek some more help from the lactation consultant at the hospital to help us fix some latching issues so that I can prevent any further damage.  Until then - we power through.  Wish us luck - this nursing stuff ain't easy.  I'm baffled how our species has survived thus far.

Ok.  I'm sure there's more to document, but I will do that as things come to mind.  We are doing well. Learning our new routine minute by minute.  Today is E's first checkup, so I will document those stats later I'm sure.

Much love to all.

daddy and his girls

best dad ever

a little school psych humor...

open eyes

"Ewizabeff, wanna brush teef?"


Colleen said...

I just finished reading part 2 and 3. Wow! It's great that your labor went so well and so quickly. I hope your recovery continues to go just as well.

The baby is so precious! Congratulations!

Linda said...

I'm so enjoying meeting Elizabeth through pictures and blog.


