Wednesday, September 30, 2009

ships passing in the night

That is how my internship supervisor described being full time working parents.

I can see why.

We are lucky, in some ways, that our schedules are the way they are. It allows Kyle to stay home with Abby during the day instead of sending her to day care. This saves us money and gives them time together - which is great. I know she's in good hands and so I don't have to worry about her while I'm at work.

I'm the first to wake up in the mornings and I get ready until Abby wakes up and then I get her, change her, and make a bottle. She drinks her bottle on the bed while Kyle wakes and then he takes over and I'm off to work.

When I get off work in the afternoons, we have a bit of overlap time. Usually at least an hour, and this time is usually spent running errands that need to be done. Then Kyle takes off for class and I take Abby. Tuesdays are my favorite because Kyle doesn't have class till 7, so we get to spend the whole afternoon together. Yesterday we went to the farmers market, grocery store and then went to the park. That was nice.

Anyway, after Kyle goes to class, Abby and I run errands and play and eventually have dinner and I put her to bed. After she is asleep is usually the first time I have to "relax" and so I usually sit down at the computer or watch some tv for a while and try to stay awake until Kyle gets home.

Kyle gets home around 8 on his early days and around 11 on his late days. On his late days, I stay awake long enough to say good night and then I go to bed while he takes his turn unwinding from the day.

And then it starts again.

We're both learning, however, that we both need more time in the day to get things done. I'm going to start trying to get to work an hour early to have time to write and Kyle is going to stay late after class, or go in earlier, so he can have some quiet time to read and study (something not so easily accomplished while at home with the baby).

So, its an adjustment. Fewer dinners together and less time to "talk about our day" but we do what we have to do.

I'm not trying to complain - I'm glad that we're able to balance our schedules to keep Abby at home, and I'm glad that we each get part of the day with her. But, it doesn't leave much time for anything else. I haven't unpacked anything since Monday. Finding time to go to the gym is nearly impossible. I think I'm going to have to wait until the weekend to get anything done.

So, I get it - ships passing in the night. That's kinda how it feels. But I'm thankful to be employed and that Kyle is in a good school and that we share the childcare role. There's a lot to be thankful for, so I'm gonna try to focus on that.


*Jen* said...

Laura, though my MIL watches Paige most afternoons for about 4 hours, we are doing the same juggle & only have 1 weekday evening when Scott is home before Paige goes to bed. So I relate to this post in every way.
I feel the same -- thankful we are both providing childcare & both employed -- but it's exhausting, I know.

Kristi said...

I nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award!! Go check out my blog!!

