Thursday, April 30, 2009

before 10

showered, got dressed, dried my hair, changed clothes, washed bottles, pumped, changed outfits again, woke the baby, played with baby, changed the baby, fed the baby, gave baby to daddy.  Washed dishes, cleaned counters, swept kitchen, took out trash, tidied living room, dusted living room, vacuumed living room, did pushups and crunches on freshly vacuumed carpet, changed shirts, made lunches, gathered my things.  Got to work, scored tests, gathered info and wrote a 9 page report, attended a meeting and saw a counseling kid all before 10am.

In other news, I want to cut my hair. short. 


Anonymous said...

I think the haircut is a good idea. I wish I could help you with some of this. I love you.


hannah said...

was it the spinning class? did they slip drugs onto your handlebars or something?

if so, sign me up. asap!

ps. i've always wanted to cut my hair short...but then i always think of "shelby" and decide not to. i did it once though...have i told you the story of the rat tail?

