Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Childbirth class

Last night, Kyle and I began childbirth classes.  We go once a week, for five weeks. 

Our instructor has been a labor and delivery nurse since the late 1960s.  She has a very thick boston accent and a good sense of humor.  I think she'll be fun.  So, last night we start off with introductions and such.  She goes over some diagrams of how my organs are now all rearranged (my lungs are now basically in my shoulders, which explains why I get so out of breath doing hard activities like...sitting up, rolling over, and putting on socks) and we watched a video about the stages of labor.  

Her quote was, "If you don't have nightmares about this video tonight, I didn't do my job"  Well, I'll admit that I was about ready to jump off the pregnancy train after watching this woman give birth to a 10 lb baby...but, we were reassured that we would be spending the next 4 weeks educating ourselves and learning all the various relaxation techniques etc etc...

We spent the last part of class learning about the various stages of labor, how to identify them, when to call the doc, when to come into the hospital, and what will happen once you get there.  I learned a lot of stuff, and I think the classes will be good.  

We go on Tuesday nights.  I'll keep you posted.  


jennybee said...

I dunno. I'm skeptik bout that edykashun. Just pop her out the normal way. ; P

hannah said...

here's the deal: the worst part for me...the contractions the night before. i was up from midnight to 6 am with contractions every 30 minutes. they would wake me they were so bad.

after was all downhill.

i promise. and they only lasted about 5 to 10 seconds.

i'd go through childbirth again ten times if it would keep my child from waking up screaming in the middle of the night for food. and no matter how fast i get to him, it's not fast enough.

you'll do great. and you'll know when to go in. trust your instincts.

