Monday, October 27, 2008

weekend update.

So this past weekend was pretty good.  It was different because Kyle left for Dallas where he is hanging out with Kyra and his mom and meeting his godmother from South Africa for the first time.  I'm really glad he got to go down there.  He gets back tonight, and I'll be glad to have him back too.  I think this is the first time that he's travelled while I stayed home...since we've been married anyway.  

So, Kyle left on Friday night and I went over to our friend Mary's place and hung out with some of the BC crew. It was a good time.  Good company.  On Saturday, I bummed around the apartment most of the morning.  I don't think I did much productive - which was fine.  I cleaned up a bit.  Saturday night, Mary and my friend Stephanie came over to hang out.  We went out to a nice Thai food place for dinner and came back to the apartment.  We watched Juno and ate brownies, candy, and apple cider.  Just some girl time - it was fun.  

Sunday I made myself get out of the apartment.  I got a few things at Target for the nursery and walked around town at my leisure for several hours - just going into whatever store struck my fancy.  It was nice.  The weather was Perfect!  I spent Sunday night setting up more nursery things, talking with Billie Jo, and watching some tv.   I decided I wanted to make a mobile for over Abigail's crib instead of buy one - so I worked on that last night.  So far, I like it.  I think I actually enjoyed just having a craft project too - it's been a while since I've had time to make something like that.  I'll post some pictures when its done of course.  

In other news, I was sad to hear about the UCA shootings.  That was a weird headline to see.  It sounds like things are being handled well, and I'm sure there is a ton of support there for the students.  I know lots of people are keeping them in their thoughts and prayers.  We are too.

And, on the baby front - Abigail is growin' away.  We have another checkup this Thursday.  She has seriously bruised my left floating rib.  I can't even touch it without it hurting, and I can't lay on that side now either.  This may be a combination of her kicking at it constantly AND the fact that I also hit it really hard (on the outside) at taekwondo the other night.  Double whammy.  She's getting bigger and is running out of room to be so active, so now most of her movements are more like slow pushings and stretching.  My whole stomach moves in waves - I should post a video of it.  It's freaky.  

Ok, so that's your weekend update.  Time to get back to work. 


jennybee said...

Um, is it ridiculous for me to think you don't need to be getting hit or kicked in the ribs in taekwondo at this point? Maybe you could switch to tai chi this last month or so...

Glad you had a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

I bet Abigail would like you to give her some lovely tai chi moves.


