Thursday, October 2, 2008

30 week checkup

We had our 30 week visit with the good doctor today.  From now on, we'll start going every 2 weeks instead of once a month.

In case you've forgotten, at my last appointment, I had gained more than I should have.  I was pretty bummed about it.  So, I've been trying to eat better, walk more, drink more water, eat less ice cream.  So, all week I've been a little nervous about stepping on the scale today.  I never thought I would be somebody who cared how much she weighed during pregnancy... but, alas, I am. 

So, I step on, and it took the nurse a while to find my weight because my belly kept bumping into the balance thingy.  Once I figured out I needed to step back a bit, the nurse told me I only gained 2 lbs.  Yay!  I was happy.  Blood pressure was still perfecto. So, other than not really fitting on the scale, all was good. 

The doc saw us and said my glucose test came back fine.  She said I was borderline anemic, so she gave me some iron to boost it up.  She said that might help with my energy level too.  She asked if I wanted a flu shot.  This is kind of a trick question.  I haven't had a flu shot in....I dunno, 10 years?  But, I'm not responsible for just me anymore, so while I decided I didn't really want one, I went ahead and got one for Abigail.  She will be born during flu season after all, traveling on planes, and being passed among many.  So, can't hurt right?  

I also had the doc call in some DHA supplements for me (and so my mom can rest easy that I'm building Abigail's brain with all available tools).  What else?  The doc said, after pushing on me a whole lot, that baby seems to be head down - which is good.  She'll keep checking as little bit grows.  Abigail didn't like the pushing very much and gave the doc a good strong kick that said "excuse you, it's already cramped in here"  

So, we go back in 2 weeks.  I'll keep ya posted.

Oh, and to celebrate our lack of excessive weight gain, Kyle and I went and ate greasy hamburgers for dinner.  (sigh).  Well, my stomach was not happy with me.  Its not used to that kinda grease.  Serves me right, huh?  



jennybee said...

Can you believe you've been growing her for 30 weeks already? I don't do anything for 30 weeks straight.

Ben and Bethany said...

congrats on such a great report! I failed my first glucose and had to do another one - it was AWFUL... like, getting your blood drawn every 30 min for 3 hrs awful...I passed the second time. Yuck. Cant wait to see pictures of that little girl!

Unknown said...

I love the ways my girls write! I am so proud of you!--Daddy

